Como falo em inglês: Caiu molho na blusa?

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Jul 27
Como falo em inglês Caiu molho na blusa

Hello, all. Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online eu vou falar sobre o verbo wear, e uma expressão com esse verbo que ouvi de uma australiana. Enjoy!


Hey, how’s it going? Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast, and to get started, let me fill you in on the context for today’s first expression. So I live in a shared house, and I have a live-in landlady. What’s a shared house? That’s easy: it’s a house you share with other people. That means you’re not the only person living there. You’ve probably got one or more roommates, or housemates. The literal meaning of the word roommate is, someone who shares a room with you.

This word roommate is, however, sometimes used for people who just share a house with you; not necessarily a bedroom. Now, housemate or flatmate are more appropriate, I guess, for the people who live in the same house you live. So, currently, I have a total of four housemates if I count every single person living in the house. There’s a couple from Australia, there’s a guy from London and then there’s the landlady. That’s the second time the word ‘landlady’ has come up in this post, so for those of you who don’t know what it means…

‘Landlady’ is the owner of the house or apartment you live in. If that was a man, the word would be landlord. I haven’t looked into the origin of such terms, but to me they sound like something reminiscent of the middle ages, when people owned a lot of land and other people paid them and got to live in a piece of that land.

I fired up the mixerAnyway, yesterday I was in the kitchen making juice. I added several pieces of fruit to a bowl, plus juice and some spinach, and then before I fired up the mixer I covered the front of my shirt with a dishcloth. Kate, my Australian housemate, saw that and asked, jokingly: “Occupational hazard?” By the way, an occupational hazard, as applied to an actual job or professional activity, would be any situation in that job that could potentially cause injury or illness. Kate was, of course, joking, since I wasn’t working but just making juice. The joke made sense, though, since there was a strong possibility that once I fired up the mixer, some juice would splash on my shirt.

Alright. So I made the juice and in the meantime, Kate left the kitchen. She came back later, when I was washing the bowl, and then she asked “So, did you wear any?” And that’s our expression for today: she asked me if I wore any juice. So before we really get into this expression, let’s take a closer look at the verb “to wear”. It would be incorrect to always translate wear as “vestir”. Why is that? That’s because in Portuguese we say “vestir” when we’re talking about clothes only. In English, people say ‘ wear ‘ for lots of things that you put on your body to cover it, like clothes… or glasses, or a mask. Or you’re putting these things on your body because you think they’ll make you prettier… like makeup, or earrings or a necklace. We also say ‘ wear ‘ for shoes. So those are different from what we say in Portuguese, right? I’m wearing brown shoes right now, I’m not wearing any makeup, and… I rarely wear my glasses. What about you? How often do you wear makeup? Do you wear glasses to watch a movie? What kind of shoes do you wear at night?

So the expression that my Australian housemate used was kinda funny because she wanted to know if I was wearing any juice. In other words, she wanted to know if juice had splashed on my shirt. So when she asked me that, I said that I didn’t get her question and then she gave me more examples – she said that often, when she eats spaghetti in tomato sauce, her mother will ask “So, are you wearing any?” Or Kate herself will look down at her shirt and see that she got some tomato juice on her shirt and she’ll say “Damn it, I’m wearing the sauce”.

So I’ll be very honest with you. By the time I’m finished eating pasta or anything that could splash on my shirt, like ice cream, I’m usually wearing it. Red sauce, salad dressing, soup, ice cream, yeah. By the time I’m done eating that stuff, I’m wearing it. What about you? Are you the kind of person that’s super careful? Or are you just like me? Let us know in the comments and talk to you next time.


Key expressions

  • roommate, housemate, landlady
  • wear
  • Did you wear any? Are you wearing any?


look into (something) = pesquisar, tentar descobrir mais sobre (algo)

fill you in on (something) = te contar, te atualizar sobre (alguma coisa) [pela conversa, fica claro o que é essa “alguma coisa”]

fire (something) up = iniciar, ligar (um aparelho, o navegador/browser, um programa, etc)

dishcloth = pano de prato

I didn’t get her question = eu não entendi a pergunta dela

Rodrigo 30/07/2013

Hi Ana Luiza, how are you doing?
First of all, I would like to say that it’s the first time I write in this comment, but i’ve been listening yours podcast a long time, and you don’t realise how it improved my englesh, and i really want to say THANK YOU.
So, about this issue, I’m kind of careful person, but accidents happen, and I end wearing some food.
Thanks, Tá-tá for now!!

Jonata fontela 30/07/2013

Hi Ana,how’s it going?well I try to be careful but very often when I’m eating something I ended up wearing it!!!!!!!!

Débora 29/07/2013

Hey! Most of the time I try to be a super careful person.

Caroline 29/07/2013

I often wear some sauce! hahaha…

Elaine 29/07/2013

I’m kind of careful when I’m eating, but sometimes I wear some sauce!
How about “fire up” in this post? Is that “ligar”?


vanessa 29/07/2013

Ana, I have never heard the expression “fired up” before. Is that commom?? Tks in advance!

Anne 29/07/2013

Yes, for sure it happens to wear some sauce! I’m checking my shirt most of the time when I’m currently eating pasta (in a restaurant or as a guest).

(*a question about “….The joke made sense…” Is it right to say “made”? I’ve never heard it before, just “make”…)

Ricka 27/07/2013

A couple of years ago I met a person who loves coffee,but every morning sth happen ,no matter if she walked carefully , she ended up wearing coffee , one day she made me wear coffee as well and as of that day i started walking on eggshells around her
But nowadays its all water under the bridge.and that problem not happen very frequently and to be fair i have to give her credit where credit is due.

Rafael 27/07/2013

Hey, Ana. How is it going ?

First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the great job you’ve have been doing so long always providing us English learners a large amount of very helpful contents like this one, above.

Ok… after everything said and done , I could say that I try to be super careful about it, though, at times it’s not possible, and as the commenter above I just realize that I’m wearing something ( a tooth paste, for example…rs!!) when I’m out of home, in a public place. There’s sometimes another awkward situation that I believe a lot of people has been through as well, is that as you step on a dog poop and it looks like that dog poop is alive and crept up to the middle of your pants (Oh, Goshh..that’s so embarrassing!!) and it usually is fresh and smelly..rsr!!!

Take care!!


jennifer 27/07/2013

Hi, Ana!Well,I’m just like you, unfortunately.The worse is when I don’t figure it out and just realize I’m wearing my food when I’m out of my home.Things like these happened with you already? Kisses!!!!

Inacio Vieira 27/07/2013

Se diz: I dropped some…

    Ana 30/07/2013

    O “drop” é mais usado pra algo que cai da sua mão, ou de um avião, etc.

      Inacio 30/07/2013
      1. To let fall by releasing hold of.

      Ana 30/07/2013

      Exatamente – “release hold of” não é o caso de “cair molho na blusa”.

      Inacio 30/07/2013

      Qual a alternativa?

    Vera Graña 30/09/2013

    Hi Ana! Finally I’ve poped up on yout podcast, but I have some doubts…
    For instance – If I say: I didn’t get her question or I didn’t catch up with her question
    Are those sentences the same meaning?

      Vera Graña 30/09/2013

      By the way I’m a disaster making juices or these kind of stuffs, most of the times I wear any….

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