Inglês Online
 Exercício: Pronomes sujeito e objeto 2

Complete as sentenças com o Pronome sujeito (I, you, he, she, it, we, you they) ou Pronome objeto (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them) correto.

1. I tried to contact .......... , but I don't know where .......... are!
2. Can you please lend .......... your car today? We need to visit a friend.
3. Here are my books. Take .......... with you.
4. - What do you think of this dress?
- .......... is beautiful.
5. Who are those people? Do you know ..........?
6. Where's your car? I need ..........
7. .......... and Sara are going to England tomorrow.
8. Mary, Joanne and .......... decided to stay here a few more days.


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