Inglês Online
 Exercício: Pronomes sujeito e objeto 2

Complete as sentenças com o Pronome sujeito (I, you, he, she, it, we, you they) ou Pronome objeto (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them) correto.

1. Who are those people? Do you know ..........?
2. .......... and Sara are going to England tomorrow.
3. I tried to contact .......... , but I don't know where .......... are!
4. - What do you think of this dress?
- .......... is beautiful.
5. Here are my books. Take .......... with you.
6. Mary, Joanne and .......... decided to stay here a few more days.
7. Can you please lend .......... your car today? We need to visit a friend.
8. Where's your car? I need ..........


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