Compreensão de texto: shopping for a skirt

By Ana | Compreensão de Texto

Jan 16
Inglês - Compreensão de texto shopping for a skirt

Hi everyone! Para você praticar sua compreensão de texto em inglês, o diálogo de hoje é sobre um homem que precisa comprar uma saia para a filha.

Aqui vai o diálogo:

(A) Can I help you, sir?
(B) Yes, I’m looking for the skirts. Where are they?

(A) They’re over there, next to the dresses.
(B) Oh, right. Would you help me pick something for my daughter? I’ve never bought a skirt before.
(A) Of course. Let’s find something for her.

(A) Here we are, sir. How about this one? It’s a denim skirt – really fashionable right now.
(B) Looks nice, but I think my daughter will want something a bit dressier.

(A) Oh, I see. What’s the occasion?
(B) She’s turning 18 next week and we’re throwing her a big party – so that’s what the skirt is for.

(A) Well, I have to congratulate you! Your daughter really trusts you. I don’t know many 18-year-olds who would allow their fathers to choose party outfits for them!
(B) Ha ha… That’s true. She gave me very specific instructions though.

(A) Right. So you’d like to see something a bit more elegant. Here, this satin skirt is gorgeous – we have it in black and navy.
(B) I think the black one is exactly what she’s looking for.

(A) What’s your daughter’s size?
(B) She’s a small. Do you take credit cards?

(A) Yes, we do, all of them. Here’s a black satin skirt, size small. And if for any reason it doesn’t fit, just tell your daughter she can return or exchange it within 30 days.
(B) Thank you for your help – I think she’ll be very happy.


denim = jeans (tecido)
fashionable = na moda
she’s turning 18 = ela faz 18 anos
dressier = mais chique ou elegante, mais “bem arrumado”
party outfit = traje, roupa para festa
satin = cetim
navy = azul marinho
if it doesn’t fit = se não servir

Teste sua compreensão


Julia da silva 17/06/2021

Muito bom esse exercício

Adriano 15/09/2020

hello i’m adriano good afternoon

Adriano 15/09/2020

Olá eu sou o Adriano

mary 06/07/2019

thanks for your help.

    Olá, Mary
    Obrigado pelo comentário.

Dagoberto 25/01/2009

It´s really amazing to have a special site for English teaching.My congratulation for you all engaged in this magnificient mission.

Nanda 22/01/2009

Nice quiz!!!

Gisele 22/01/2009

I loved this quiz!!!
The vocabulary was very useful!
Many congrats

Luiz Carlos 22/01/2009

I liked !! Congratulations for yours good quality of exercicies.

Henrique 22/01/2009

hehe that´s funny!
i got all wink

Edimar 22/01/2009

muito bom…

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