Inglês com Cartoons #44: Fill it up

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Oct 12

Hi everyone! Mais um cartoon para exercitar o inglês. Funciona assim: eu apresento uma imagem com apenas uma fala, faço algumas perguntas, dou um exemplo e vocês usam a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #44


 (a) Why did the station attendant say that? Por que o funcionário do posto disse isso?

 (b) What is the driver going to do? O que o motorista vai fazer?

 (c) Is the driver going to do anything else at the gas station? O motorista vai fazer mais alguma coisa no posto?

 Minhas respostas

(a) Because he knows that the station is about to be permanently shut down. Porque ele sabe que o posto está prestes a ser fechado permanentemente.

(b) He’s not going to fill up the tank. The gas here is expensive. Ele não vai encher o tanque. A gasolina aqui é cara.

       Eu encheria (o tanque) se eu fosse você!

(c) He’s gonna use the toilet at the station because he can’t hold it in anymore. Ele vai usar o banheiro do posto porque ele não consegue mais segurar.




                 E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – Great beat – com todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser guardar. E, como sempre, parabéns a quem tem deixado respostas smile


Luiza Helena 25/10/2009

Because he knows there isn’t any other gas station on that road. Driver will found one very very far there and the car’s tank is almost empty.
The driver decide to go to the toilet because he isn’t hold it in anymore

Elís Lucas 22/10/2009

(a)  Because the gas is in promotion.
(b)With certainty he will go the tank
(c) He goes wash the car, because is very dirty.

daniele 20/10/2009

a) Because the station attendant checked the tank and confirmed to be empty.

b)He going to fillup the tank.

c) yes, He going to buy newspapers on the stand of side convenience store.

Douglas 17/10/2009

a) because the driver goes a long trip.
b) to visit his family in another country.
c) he’s going buy two mini-ferrari for his little cousins

Keici 14/10/2009

a)Because the driver asked him how much gas would be necessary to arrive in your destiny.
b)He is going to agree with the station attendant’s answer.
c)No, he’s late to your business meeting in another city.

Deegs 13/10/2009

a)Probably because the driver would not find any other gas station in a 50-mile ratio.
b)The driver is going to fill up the tank. He’s got lots of miles left until he gets to his destination (Dallas,TX).
c) The driver might buy a stare, and ask for a car “check up”. He might purchase some goods in the convenience store as well.

Ana Luiza 13/10/2009

Oi Jadson,
Não se preocupe, todas as respostas saem no PDF na próxima edição, já com as correções.

Marcos Beesi 13/10/2009

(a) Maybe he was thinking that it was a great and unique opportunity since the gas has been decreased 50% that day.

(b) The driver is going to say: “Yes, for sure. Can I get some extra gas as well ? I have a spare bottle in my trunk.”

(c) He is going to have his car washed after fill up the tank. It’s a promo, when you fill up the tank, the car wash price is half price than regular price and you get double points in your miles plan card.

Jadson Moreira 13/10/2009

Before my answer, let me say “congratulations” because of your great exercise.

(a)He said that because… He is a station attendant, and he needs sell more gas… :p

(b) The driver is going to make one question about some place…

(c)yeah, The driver will buy some food on convenience store at gas station and maybe he will put gas on the car.

PS: acredito que os erros fazem parte, mas se possível faz a correção dos piores erros que cometi nas sentenças. wink (obrigado!)

Ana Luiza 12/10/2009

Bruno, legal!!
Sim, vc pode dizer It’s empty, The tank is empty, etc.

Bruno~ 12/10/2009

(a) Because he thinks that the car hasn’t gas.
(b) He’s goin’ to fill up the tank.
(c) He is going to buy some snacks to eat.

Ah, qual a maneira de se falar sem gasolina? Dá pra colocar a palavra ‘‘empty’‘?
E gostaria de parabenizar o site, MUITO BOM MESMO, para um iniciante como eu é ótimo para aprender.

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