Como digo em inglês: Assim que estiver pronto, eu ligo

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Aug 02
Como digo em inglês Assim que estiver pronto, eu ligo

Hoje vamos falar sobre uma expressão usada para comunicar “assim que você chegar”, “assim que você tiver”, etc.


Hey, everybody! What’s up? This is Ana Luiza, with a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click Podcast Inglesonline.

You know when we say something like this in Portuguese “Assim que estiver pronto, eu te ligo”? Today let’s take a look at one of the expressions in swampEnglish that we can use to say “assim que”. My inspiration for today’s podcast came from a line I heard on a sitcom episode the other day. One of the characters said “I’m swamped this week, but I’ll call you as soon as things get back to normal”.

So she said “I’m swamped this week”. What she’s saying is, she’s extremely busy, she’s ridiculously busy… she’s swamped. And “swamped” comes from the word swamp, which means pântano or brejo in Portuguese. Look at the little picture to your right: that’s a swamp. So I guess when someone says “I’m swamped”, it’s kinda like when we say in Portuguese “Eu tô atolada”. I’m ridiculously busy, I’m swamped.

Anyway, back to the line from the sitcom. She said “I’m swamped this week, but I’ll call you as soon as things get back to normal”. I’ll call you as soon as things get back to normal. So what does that mean – “as soon as things get back to normal”? That means that things are not normal right now, and she has already explained why. She’s busy, things are hectic. In a few days, maybe in a couple of weeks, she will be less busy, she will have taken care of everything she needs to take care of now, and she will have some free time to call you and talk to you. As soon as that happens… as soon as things get back to normal, she’ll give you a call.

Let me give you another example: let’s say you’re at work and the phone rings, and you answer it, and it’s Kelly. Kelly is a secretary, an assistant, and she works for the VP of Sales. So Kelly tells you that she’s overheard her boss telling someone that five people in your department are going to be laid off! And you say “What? Are you sure?” And Kelly says “Well, I’m almost sure… Yeah, I’m almost sure he was talking about your department” And then she tells you she’s gonna try to find out more about this, and then she’ll call you again. Now, you’re worried. What if this is true? What if it’s really true that five people in your department are going to be let go? You’re concerned, you’re anxious, and you say “Kelly! As soon as you hear something, call me! Please call me as soon as possible and let me know what’s going on!” Call me immediately, as soon as you hear something about this.

That’s a very, very common expression: as soon as possible. Let me know, as soon as possible. Do this or do that, as soon as possible. In the work environment people many times abbreviate this expression to its initials, A.S.A.P. Sometimes someone will say “Let me know what happens A.S.A.P.”

Here are a few more examples for you:

  • Your boss calls you at home and tells you “Something urgent has come up. Come to my office as soon as you get here.”
  • Your friends invite you to visit them at their hometown. You can’t go right now because you just started a new job. You tell them “I just got a new job so right now I can’t, but as soon as I get a week off, I’ll be there for sure.
  • You are talking to your friend and you tell him what happened this morning. You woke up and while you were having breakfast, you checked your emails. Your mother had emailed you asking you to call her as soon as you woke up.

It’s your turn now. Leave your examples in the comment section. Talk to you next time!


Key expressions

  • I’m swamped
  • as soon as…
  • as soon as possible


the other day = outro dia

kinda like = [kind of like] é meio assim, é tipo, é que nem (expressão informal)

hectic = frenético, super agitado

overheard =ouvi, ouviu (a conversa de outras pessoas)

VP = vice president

people are going to be laid off/let go = pessoas serão mandadas embora

what if…? = e se…?

something has come up = algo aconteceu

get a week off = conseguir uma semana de folga

Miriani 16/05/2012

Oi Ana

Estou treinando um pouco do inglês que tenho com vc, para no inicício do ano que vem fazer 1 mês em Oxford de curso. Espero poder a cada ano fazer um intercâmbio, de preferência em lugares diferentes. Suas dicas sõa ótimas, pois não é cansativo e está ampliando meu vocabulário

Carol 19/04/2012

I’m swamped these days. I’ve too many exams at school, and I read to study to the vestibular, too. So, I’m really swamped.
And I made a list about everything I have to do, like clean my bedroom, etc. I hope I have time to do all this as soon as possible.

Luis 23/09/2011

I simply love the Inglês Online’s tips!

Ana Luiza is a great teacher!

Ricardo C. 02/09/2011

Congratulations for your work. We see that and something serious and fun at the same time

Ana Luiza 22/08/2011

Hello, everybody! Thanks for all the comments, as always… Keep listening to podcasts, it’s never too much smile

Ana Luiza 22/08/2011

aderley: right-click the link (using the button on the right of the mouse) and then choose “Save as”

aderley 22/08/2011

Hey Ana I am trying to download the audio file but when I click on the link it takes me to an audio player and does not give me option to download the file! try to fix please!! thanks!!!

Rute 19/08/2011

Hey Ana,

Thanks for this post.

My example is related with my job. Right know, i´m on my vacations, and i left many work to do, and as soon as i get started work, i have to take care of all the issues. So, know i´m swamped, and as soon as i get to work, i have to run with all things that i have to do.

Thanks again wink


Maria Inês Freire Conceição 18/08/2011

They are awesome your issues !!!!What can I do to receive all of them ?
Congratulation!Thank you very much!

Camilo 10/08/2011

Ana, sua linguagem é de facil compreensão e seus textos abordam temas cotidianos importantes para o sucesso na fluencia. Parabéns!

Maykell 09/08/2011

Hi Ana Luiza. Your podcast was great! You explained very well the topic “as soon as” and moreover you added a new word “swamped/swap”. The informal english is a huge box of new words and expressions. With your help, things are getting easier and pleasure.
Bye Bye! See ya! Nice week.

Gabriel 08/08/2011

Hi everyone!
Ana as always exceptional!
I as soon as possible i will try get a week off to travel!I need this!

JAIR CUNHA 07/08/2011

This podcast is wonderful.

Carol 07/08/2011

I´m really swamped too since I have a lot of things to study. I have to put my things in order as soon as possible and start to study again!

Please Ana, tell me if I have made a mistake.

Aline 05/08/2011

My example:

I spoke to my boss I want to work in another lab as soon as possible. I’m so swamped that I have to work overtime everyday!

Ricardo 05/08/2011

Hi Ana!

Excelent job girl!

I started to listen your podcasts last week and I’m very surprise.

Excelent job, good luck in your life and I am waiting for more podcasts!



Luciano Buzzacaro 04/08/2011

Hi Ana Luiza
Great podcast.
This expression is realy common in the work environment.
The boss always send email for me and in the end he put: “Answer me ASAP!” when is urgent. Or other time, if the work isn’t urgent he type: “Take your time!”

Your podcast are help me to improve my listen. You’re a great person!
Thank you so much!

ps. Sorry, I type some mistakes in the previous comment. Now is be better.

Luciano Buzzacaro 04/08/2011

Hi Ana Luiza
Great podcast.
The expression realy common in the work environment.
The always send email and in the end he put: “Answer me ASAP!” when is urgent. Or other time, if the work isn’t urgente he type: “Take your time!”

Your podcast are help me to improve my listen. You’re a great person!
Thank you so much!

Felipe Santino Campos 04/08/2011

Ola Ana!!! Muito bom o podcast de hoje eu adorei. Continue postando mais ^^

Sérgio Kazuo 03/08/2011

Hi Ana, how are you?
Muito obrigado, seus podcasts sempre são muito instrutivos ! Sempre ouço e, muitas vezes repetidamente.
Congratulations for your excellent work!!

Gil Gomes 03/08/2011

Hey Ana,  assim como todos os posts anteriores foram de grande ajuda esse também esta sendo de grande ajuda, numa semana que provavelmente vou usar algumas das expressões desse podcast, então como sempre obrigado pelas dicas

vanete 03/08/2011

eu gostei bastante das dicas estâo sendo util para mim…

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