Podcast: Você já ajudou alguém em inglês?

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Jul 11
Podcast Você já ajudou alguém em inglês

Hey, everyone. Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online eu conto sobre o que aconteceu num café quando uma estrangeira pediu ajuda.


Hi, all. What’s up? Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to inglesonline.com.br and click Podcast Inglesonline.

Yesterday I spent all morning in a café. A café is a place where you can get coffee, of course, but also a sandwich, a snack, juice, water, stuff like that. In other words, it’s a place where you can get a capuccino and make a light meal if you want. Nowadays pretty much all cafés offer wi-fi connection, which is a big plus for me. I, like many other people, enjoy working at a café while sipping a coffee drink or some tea. For some reason I don’t mind all the buzz around me. You know, other people getting their coffee, chatting, talking on the phone… I find that usually I’m able to concentrate much better when I’m at a public place with a cup of coffee. Go figure!

So last morning there I was writing something on my netbook when a woman standing next to me said, in English, “Excuse me, do you speak some English?” I said yes, and she continued “Are you using the Internet?” I nodded, and she said “Can you help me?” She showed me her iPhone, and an Internet card that is given to customers free of charge at this café. Safari, the browser on the iPhone, was open, but the screen was blank. I told her that was wierd, ’cause the wifi connection at this cafe is supposed to not only fire up the browser, but also to open a screen where the owner of the iPhone would be able to enter their login information and the unique code from the Internet card.

This woman was really puzzled! She didn’t even know what to do with the card. That must be because this is a very famous chain of cafes that is present in several countries – maybe you know which one I’m talking about. In the US and many European coutries, you don’t need a card to connect to the Internet when you’re at this café. You simply get in there and when you fire up Safari you just have to agree to the terms of use and voilá – you’re connected. So maybe that’s what it’s like in this woman’s country. So she showed me the card and the iPhone screen and then she looked at me, and her face said “What do I do?”

I told her that she needed to register online at the Internet provider’s page, and I told her she would have to enter username, password and her passport number. That surprised her – she thought it was a bit much since she only wanted to have access for a few minutes. But the weird thing is that the same page should have showed up on her iPhone browser.

I asked her to hand me the phone and then I shook it a little and tapped it lightly. She thought that was funny and chuckled. Who knows? That might have worked, but it didn’t and I handed the phone back to her. She thanked me and said using the Internet for a few minutes wasn’t worth the trouble of registering and then filling in a form, etc. Then she went back to talking to her friend. From what I was able to tell, they were speaking either German or Dutch.

So, tell me: do you run into many foreigners where you live? I live in São Paulo and I run into people from other countries all the time. Sometimes I’m just walking down the street and I hear some foreign language being spoken, usually English or Spanish. Has anyone ever walked up to you in the street and asked for directions or other kind of information? Were you able to help?  Let us know in the comments… tell us your story. Talk to you next time.



which is a big plus for me = o que pra mim é uma grande vantagem

sipping = bebericando

Go figure! = Vai entender!

I nodded = eu fiz que sim com a cabeça

and voilá = e pronto

I tapped it = eu bati nele com o dedo

she chuckled = ela deu uma risadinha

Givaldo 09/08/2012

Hi Ana, I like very much your podcasts, I listen every day!
Once, when I worked in a magazine store, I helped a couple of foreign, chineses.
So, I tried to help them, but they had a very difficult accent, so hard than there was a moment that the woman said: “oh bi gad”
So I thought, my english is very bad even!
And she insisted “oh bi gadú”, so I thought, she must be speaking in chinese now.
when we were both giving up, I thought! she is trying to speak in portuguese!
So a said: “ahhhh…de nada!”
I laughed a lot!

Everlon 07/08/2012

I like English a lot, but I have some more difficulties to speak than to write or read, because in my work I don´t have opportunity to listen English, usually, I need to read, only. Therefore I have difficulties to help someone in English, I believe.

Ana 03/08/2012

Hi, everyone… I’m loving the examples, keep ’em coming!!

Maicon 17/07/2012

Hi, Ana Luiza.
At he moment I am supermarket operator. Once time, at my work I was attending a costumer and then, the baker called me and say…”Hey, Maicon come here please, this costumer is asking me something but I don’t understand anything what she’s saying”…I was The only one that knew speak english at my work and then I started to talk her…She wanted one sort of bread…unfortunately, we have no the bread that she wanted…And then we started talk a lot. I find something strange in her, the accent was very different, I asked to her…”where are you from?” and she answered me…”I’m from French”…She asked to me to try the cheese that I sell, While she ate, she tell me which my english was very much…and I say to her…”I am still learning, Do you believe?”….She gets amazed because I unterstood everything that she said…It was an experience very cool…I’ll never forget of that…I hope that many people who are learning english can have an oportunity to talk with a foreign….
Dear Ana, continue with this wonderful job that you do in your website….God bless you!!!!

    Ana 03/08/2012

    Cool, Maicon! Congratulations.

Vitor Xavier 17/07/2012

Some years ago I’m at a shopping in niterói and I saw a polish in shop ask something about how go to the port .
He ask many times just this :
What is the number of the bus to go the port . And the saleswoman take the phone , call other people to talk with he and when I and my girlfriend ask how could we help he . And he wrote and I understood what he desire in that moment . I and my girlfriend help and take the bus with he and I told that is what JESUS say to me do . He are a and I ask he why he choose that store , and he told me : I saw Jesus in the front of the store , The store are a gospel store ;)

Rafaelhgp 17/07/2012

I had the opportunity to help someone at Buenos Aires/Arhentina.
It was interesting because the person was from England and he didn’t know nothing in Buenos Aires,then I had follow him for many tourists places and my award it was practice the England language, it was nice!

Alex Sandro 16/07/2012

Hi Ana, i don’t know exactly when was the first time i heard about ingles online, i just know that since then i have been enjoying a lot all podcast. In the past i used to be able to speak in english easily, but at moment i lost a lot of my skill and i have been improving it using your podcast.

Thank you a lot

mauro 16/07/2012

A certain day I met a lady who was trying to enter in the bank but didn’t know where to leave metal objects. As I was inexperienced in the English language I couldn’t help her as best as possible.

Luciano 16/07/2012

Hi Ana Luiza, another great post. Congratulations!

Yes, I live in Curitiba – Paraná and sometimes I hear foreign people language being spoken.
I was walking down the street and two people ask me in english how to do to go until the Jardim Botânico.
I said I speak english a little bit, but I believe to get answer it. I showed the way and they thanked me so much.
I think was amazing speak in english and help some foreign people.
That it all.

Thaís 15/07/2012

Hi, Ana!
I’ve recently helped a foreigner woman that was trying to buy a bag in a store here in Brasília. I actually live in São Paulo, where I bump into many people speaking English and I always try to pay atention on them, so I can learn a little more…LOL.

Just a piece of advice: I’ve noticed that in most of the cases they (foreigners) don’t like nosy people ofering them some help even before they realise they need it; so I usually wait them to ask me for help or, in some cases when I notice that the person seems to be friendly, I use some polite word, such as ‘excuse me’ or ‘I’m sorry to bother you’ before offering my help, weareas that, to be honest, I want to start conversations with them to practice my English and not only to help them… Here in São Paulo we’ve learnt to take any opportunity when it arises (I’m not sure if I can use arise meaning ‘aparecer, surgir’, since I’m trying to improve my writing…).

Another great podcast, Ana. Thanks a lot!!!

    Ana 03/08/2012

    Hi Thais! “arises” goes really well with opportunity. I can tell you’ve been exposing yourself to English!!

    I usually don’t bother unless it’s really apparent that the person is lost, etc. but I find that foreigners are generally forward when it comes to asking for help – that means, they’ll ask whenever they need it.

    Funny cause once I was walking in NYC looking at a map and a guy just spontaneously offered help… I thought it was nice.

Débora 15/07/2012

Unfortunately, I never found any foreign on the streets, but I’d really like to find one. It’ll be a good chance to practice my English Language.

    Débora 16/07/2012

    It would be a good chance to practice my English Language.

Renato 14/07/2012

Ana, you’re doing a good job. I’ve always learned a lot from you !

Renato 14/07/2012

Hi Anna ! I have a question !
Na frase “I find that usually I’m able to concentrate much better…” a palavra “find” pode ser usado nesse contexto ou seria também correto usar a palavra “think ?

    Ana 14/07/2012

    Oi Renato,
    Apesar de soar um pouco estranho no início, ‘find’ é também usada desse jeito. Aí, eu traduziria assim “Eu vejo que geralmente…” ou “Eu noto que geralmente…”

jennifer 12/07/2012

Hi Ana.I can´t wait for this opportunity. I think in my city it will be to much hard, cause here almost all the foreigner just speak spanish and I learned that language too much time ago.I hope to be able to learn english like I learned spanish.Thank you for all and a big kiss.

    Ana 15/07/2012

    Thanks, Jennifer.

Mayara Gomes 12/07/2012

Hi Ana!!

I work in a Corean Company, and the language used is English, of course!
Last month, my team has a big problem with system and a specialist came to help us… but, only my friend Camila and I know a little of this language, and I was very nervous… but I could give to he some informations about the problem and what we expect after the solution. So, because this kind of situation I always follow your posts and I’m in “Curso Online – Basico”.

Thanks for share your tips!!

See you!!

    Ana 15/07/2012

    hi Mayara!

    So cool – adorei saber! Não é bacana falar inglês?? ;-))

    Apareça lá no Curso quando puder.

Jeff 12/07/2012

Well I have a funny story…

Last year a friend of mine was spending some days in Sao Paulo and we were at Parque Ibirapuera walking a little bit when he said ‘Hey Jeff, let’s ask someone to take a picture for us’ alright… we saw a girl and I asked ‘Hey, você pode tirar uma foto pra gente?!” and her face was like ‘WHAT?!?!’ she didn’t understand anything and said ‘Sorry, I don’t speak Portuguese…’ and I asked in English ‘Can you take a picture for us, please?’ we thanked her… some minutes later we met her again! HAHAHAHAHA but now she was trying to read some information to know how to go into a museum, there was a security, she said something but the security didn’t get it and we helped her again… ‘Hey, you have to keep your bags there’ the security thanked us and so on… anyway we made a new friend and she’s from Austria! Her name is Kerstin, It was a nice experience because it was my first time talking in English with a foreigner… I loved!

Great podcast Ana! :D
Estou quase terminando seu curso! Progredindo 100% com certeza.

    Ana 15/07/2012

    Great story, Jeff ;) That’s one of the things I love about SP – bumping into foreigners all the time !!

Cris 12/07/2012

Hi Ana!!!

I’ve been living in Dublin for 9 months…. and yesterday I was walking on the street and a Woman asked me about an address…….but I wasn’t able to help her….. I got so upset!!! hahahha
I have some difficulty to speak English….. :( but yours podcast has been helped me a lot!!!!


    Ana 15/07/2012

    Hi Cris,
    No need to be upset… you`re still learning. Keep listening and interacting (I mean, you really have no choice since you’re in Dublin ;) and before you know you’ll be speaking.

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