Conte como seria seu ideal job em inglês

By Ana | Lições de Inglês

Mar 10
Conte como seria seu ideal job em inglês

Hi, everyone!

what's your ideal job?Outro dia fiquei pensando sobre como a gente acaba fazendo o que faz – no trabalho! Eu me formei em engenharia química (!), já trabalhei na indústria, mas também já fui vendedora, analista de exportação, marqueteira e, agora… professora de inglês, criadora de curso e blogueira. E não é que, conversando com a minha prima, ela me diz que se lembra de mim, na infância, traduzindo letra de música do inglês para o português? Eu nem me lembrava disso; já para ela, é super normal eu ter site e curso de inglês. “Tem tudo a ver com o que você gostava quando criança”, ela disse :)

Então comecei a pensar no que mais eu gostava, e fiz uma listinha. Se eu pudesse escolher um trabalho ideal ( além desse que eu tenho agora) sem nenhuma restrição… this is what I would want to do:

  • I would want to do something to make people’s lives easier
  • I would want to do something where I had to explain things that are a bit complicated in really simple terms
  • I would like to interact with people most of the time
  • I would like a job where I wouldn’t need to be tied down to a desk all day

Resumindo: eu ia querer facilitar a vida das pessoas, explicar algo que é meio complicado de um jeito bem simples, interagir com pessoas e não ficar sentada numa mesa o dia todo.

E você? What’s your dream job? Não pense em funções que já existem em empresas: pense em tudo que você gosta meeeesmo de fazer, e faça uma lista. Se você pudesse escolher, sem restrição nenhuma, o que você faria o dia inteiro?

Será que existe um trabalho assim?

I wanna know what your dream job is! Make a list of things you really enjoy doing. Let us know in the comments :)

E, P.S.: alguém conhece alguma função que coincida com a minha lista? (Não se preocupem… Eu não vou abandonar o Inglês Online!)

moises 08/02/2015

Hello Ana,
I’d wanna teach adults without rules, like litle children learn
but with good methods. I like you very much.
Thank you for exist. I became more confident and better to listen English speeches
after I found you. You have great blessing in your life that it transends and changes lives besides yours

nilsonrdg 12/11/2013

About this sentence: “I would want to do something where I had to explain things that are a bit complicated in really simple terms”

In portuguese, it isn’t grammatically correct to write: “Fazer algo onde eu me tenha …”
The correct way is: “Fazer algo em que eu tenha…”

We must use “Onde” only if we are talking about a place.

How about “where” in English? If there were this rule, the sentence would be “I would want to do something in which I had to explain things that are a bit complicated in really simple terms”

Calíope 19/03/2013

My dream job allows me to broadcast my ideas. It allows me to stand in front of people and make them listen, then they complete my ideas with their very own opinion.

My dream job allows me to be informal, to tell jokes and to laugh really hard, really loud.

My dream job makes adult feel the need to recognize my success as it also makes the kids feel proud, inspired.

My dream job makes me a person who changes lifes.

May I should be a teacher… Or start making animated movies. o/

Iramaia 12/03/2013

It may seem funny what I’m about to tell you, but my ideal job would include:

– working at routine, repetitive job (if I could make big money from it..hehe)
– working on my own
– working in flip-flops and shorts or in other words comfy clothes. So always casual Fridays for me..haha

Maybe I should have invested in becoming a translator. What do you say?

Iramaia 12/03/2013

It may seem strange what I’m about to tell you, but my ideal job would include:

– working at routine, repetitive job (if I could make big money from it..hehe)
– working on my own
– working in flip-flops and shorts or in other words comfy clothes. So always casual Fridays for me..haha

Maybe I should have invested in becoming a translator, what do you think? ;)

    Ana 12/03/2013

    Hi Ira
    It doesn’t seem strange to me… I’m glad not everyone wants the same thing!!
    Translation does seem like a good option.

Renato de A V 11/03/2013

I would want to resolve a lot of problems.
I would want to learn people.
I would like to know places and cultures.
I would like to help peoples for them smiles.

    Ana 12/03/2013

    Hi Renato – please let us know what you come up with… I’m curious!

      Renato de A V 13/03/2013

      Hello Ana,

      I am a civil engineer and sometime I can live my wishes. Thanks.

Mirelle Marqies 11/03/2013

I’d like to spend more time with my students teaching them everything I know

I’d want to improve all my classes,every day

I’d like to improve my english always

    Ana 12/03/2013

    Mirelle – I’m sure you’ll be able to fulfil your wish :)

Andressa 11/03/2013

I would not mind spending the day in front of a computer or just on a desk, and I would like to help people too.
Also I am strongly into Psychology.

    Ana 12/03/2013

    hi Andressa – so are you preparing to become a psychologist (or therapist)?

      Andressa 12/03/2013

      Yes, Ana! Still trying.

Manoel Rodrigues 11/03/2013

I would like be a tourist and by the world to travel to help people to known God by It name whom is Jehovah. But I’m a poor man who no money to do it.

    Ana 12/03/2013

    Hmmm. Good thing we don’t know what the future holds!

Marcos 11/03/2013

I would like to serve people in health system and being a military too.
Thanks God I can do all of this.
I am a military of army and work in a health section.

    Ana 12/03/2013

    Good for you…!

Nathalia 11/03/2013

I would like to be a dancer prosfissional.

Será qu está certo da forma que escrevi, rsss!!!


    Ana 12/03/2013

    A professional dancer… Sounds fun :)

Have you ever read “$100 startup” ?
You’re on the way.

    Ana 12/03/2013

    Nope… what’s that?

Clodoaldo Castro 11/03/2013

I wanna be a police man!

    Ana 12/03/2013

    well, go for it!

Fernando 11/03/2013

I’d want to do something to help people improve their lifes through technology.
I believe technologies has the power to create new oportunities for who doesn’t have much hope to grown.
I’d like find a way to show them this way.

    Ana 12/03/2013

    Hi Fernando,
    Are you a developer? I hope so ;)

      fernando 13/03/2013

      Unfortunately, I’m not Ana. However, If I were one I’ll be happy to help

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