Podcast: What’s the verdict?

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Dec 19
Inglês - Podcast What’s the verdict

Hi, all. What’s up? Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online eu falo sobre duas expressões em inglês que usam palavras relacionadas a tribunais e julgamentos.


Hi, there. Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to inglesonline.com.br and click Podcast Inglesonline.

Today let’s focus on a couple of popular expressions that use legal terms. What do I mean by legal? Legal means, related to the legal system or to laws and regulations. One of the expressions has the word ‘verdict’. That’s v-e-r-d-i-c-t, verdict. The word itself means pretty much the same as veredito, in Portuguese. However, people ask “What’s the verdict?” a lot in everyday conversation when they want to know about a decision someone has made, or should have made, or their opinion on something…

Let me illustrate the use of this expression with examples I found on Twitter. A girl, let’s call her Jane, wrote this: Who’s tasted the new Lean95 Coconut flavor? What’s the verdict? Listen again: Jane wrote Who’s tasted the new Lean95 Coconut flavor? What’s the verdict? So Lean95 is a product  – I actually don’t what kind of product it is, but it doesn’t matter – it’s a product, and it comes in different flavors. So apparently there’s a new flavor, coconut. Jane wanted to know who had tasted the new flavor, and then she asked What’s the verdict? What do you think? If you have tasted the new coconut flavor, what’s your opinion? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Is it good, bad, so-so…? What’s the verdict?

Here’s another example from the search results on Twitter: North Herts College, which is in the UK, had this question in their timeline – What’s the verdict – how was 2012 for your business? They wanna know how your business did in 2012 (in case you own a business, of course); how well, or how badly it performed. Were you able to expand your business, or has it shrunk? Have you found new customers? How much did you spend versus the profit you made… In other words, what’s the verdict for 2012? How was 2012 for your business… What’s the verdict? One more before we move on: let’s say your friends were talking about spending the weekend at the beach, only they couldn’t decide yesterday where they wanted to go. You had to leave early, so you have no idea what’s been decided… if anything. Today you run into your friend Kevin, who was there yesterday, and you ask him “So what’s the verdict? Where are we going this weekend?” What have you guys decided? Have you guys come to a decision? Where are we going on the weekend? What’s the verdict?

Already… Here’s our second expression of today: The jury is still out. You know what a jury is: a group of people who have to judge and give their verdict on something. Here’s the expression again: “the jury’s still out”. You know when, during the process of a trial, the members of the jury go into a little room to discuss and make a decision about some legal matter? They haven’t come to a conclusion yet, they’re still deciding, right? They’re still in the room. That’s what “the jury’s still out” means, although when we use that expression we’re not talking about an actual jury. We’re just saying that something has not been decided yet; it has’t been determined; there’s no final answer yet: the jury’s still out.

Here’s an example from a Twitter post: this guy, let’s call him… John. John posted “Twitter is either a blessing in my life, or total disgrace. Jury is still out”. What does that mean? John said that Twitter may be one of two things: a very good thing in his life, a blessing; or total disgrace – which is really an awful thing. So apparently John can’t decide whether Twitter is good or bad; whether it’s helpful or just a time-waster. Maybe he just has no idea. And that’s why he writes “The jury’s still out”. The jury is still out on whether Twitter is a blessing or a disgrace.

What about you? Maybe the jury’s still out on where you’re going to spend New Year’s Eve! Is the new soapopera going to be a hit? Jury’s still out on that one. What are your examples? Talk to you next time.


Key expressions

  • What’s the verdict?
  • The jury’s still out (on something)

…or has it shrunk? = …ou ele encolheu?

if anything = se é que algo (foi decidido)

whether = if (se)

“Already”… = “already” aqui é usado no lugar de “alright” (=OK), não porque signifique OK também, mas meio de brincadeira, pois começa com AL- assim como “alright”. É bem comum que seja usado informalmente no lugar de “alright” dessa maneira. Already quer dizer “já”, em geral.

an actual jury = um juri de verdade

Marcelo Antunes 03/01/2013

I think very good these podcasts, they are helping me a lot too. If i have money, i would go to London or Irlanda, I don’t know why, but i like these countries. The last year, was very good for me, i starded to learn English and i don’t want to stop more. Thanks Ana for help you!

    Marcelo Antunes 03/01/2013

    help me…=)

Adrian 29/12/2012

Just found out this site, and these podcasts are pure amazing. They’re helping me a lot ;) and they’re even better with your beautiful and sexy voice, Ana. Haha
Keep up the good work (y)

André 20/12/2012

This year has been amazing for me.
My wife and I are going to do our first international trip.
Then it’s so new for us, we have no idea how it will be, the jury is still out.
However, we hope that this experience will be great
So, Ana, you’ve already been in other countries, what do you think? What’s your verdict?

    Ana 29/12/2012

    Hi André,

    Here’s the verdict: it’s always an amazing experience, regardless of what happens, because it opens your mind so much to different ways of doing thigs, points of view and stuff you never thought of.

    Have a great trip!!

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