Como falo em inglês: A gente tá a caminho

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Oct 10
Como falo em inglês A gente tá a caminho

Hello, everyone. Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online vamos ver (ouvir!) como dizer em inglês algumas expressões em português, como “Estamos a caminho”, “Quando você estiver saindo” e “no caminho pra tal lugar”.


Hi, how are you? Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. To download or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click Podcast Inglesonline.

So today I wanna talk to you about how to use the word WAY properly in a couple of situations. I’ve written an English tip about WAY before, but this time I’d like to focus on a few things we say in Portuguese and how to use WAY to say them in English. What am I talking about? I wanna be very clear, so I’m gonna read the kinds of things we say in Portuguese that are related to today’s expressions:

  • A gente tá a caminho;
  • Pega o lixo quando você estiver saindo
  • Vi um artista famoso no caminho pro trabalho hoje

We can say all of those using the word WAY. And actually, we use kind of the same expression, or term, for all of them. And, again, this is something I don’t hear a lot of students say. I don’t know whether this is considered basic or advanced; what I know is, that’s a pretty useful little expression and you’ll hear it all the time in movies and TV series.

So here it is: ON my WAY, ON his WAY, ON their WAY. I’m on my way somewhere. That means I’m en route, I’ve already left my house and I’m moving toward my destination. Maybe I’m on a bus right now, maybe I’m on the train or just walking. I’m on my way. Let’s say my friend rings me up while I’m on the bus. Why am I on the bus right now? Because I’m on my way to meet my friend… at a restaurant. So my phone’s ringing, I answer and it’s my friend. She asks me “Are you on your way?” She wants to know whether I have already left. What’s my answer? I’ve already left; I’m on the bus that is taking me to the restaurant where I’m going to meet up with her. So I say “Yeah”. Or, for learning purposes… “Yes, I’m on my way” which would be totally fine to say as well, by the way.

Here’s another example: you’re in a meeting with five other people from your company and you’re all waiting for a client. The client phones in and lets everyone know she’s on her way and should be there in fifteen minutes. “Ela está a caminho”, right? She’s on her way to the meeting. She’s on her way. She’s not home, sleeping or watching TV. She’s on her way.

Why do we use ON and not IN or AT? I don’t know, people. It’s ON. That’s how it is. We say “I’m on my way”; “They’re on their way”; “She’s on her way”. So that covers the first example in Portuguese I mentioned at the beginning of this podcast. “A gente tá a caminho”; we’re on our way. It also covers the third example: “Vi um artista famoso no caminho pro trabalho hoje”. We could say “I spotted a celebrity on my way to work today”. Here’s a different situation: We stayed in a hostel on our way to Rio. I got a flat tire on my way to work yesterday.

And here’s the second one: imagine you’re home and you’ve just made carrot cake. Your sister’s about to leave – she’s going… somewhere, and you say “Hey, get some cake on your way out”. On your way out. That means, when you’re leaving the house, when you’re on your way to the street, when you’re on your way out. That is a very succint expression: on your way out. We say that specifically for people leaving a room, a house, an apartment, the meeting room and so on. “Please remember to turn the lights off on your way out”. Maybe your colleague is using your office tonight and you’re reminding him to turn off the lights when he leaves the room – on his way out. Please turn off the lights on your way out.

Now I’d like to read your examples. Is there anything you habitually do on your way out in the morning? When you leave the house to go to work, or school. What is it that you do, as a habit, on your way out? Let us know in the comments, and talk to you next time!

Key expressions

  • We’re on our way
  • on your way out


hostel = albergue

succint = sucinta

Vera Graña 15/11/2013

Hi Ana!

Well, i use to turn off the lights and lock the door when i am on my way out.

Rubio 20/10/2013

Dear Ana Luiza, I just wanna say thank you for your importante way of teaching.

Micheline 19/10/2013

Sou iniciante en inglês tá bem difícil achar as expressões em inglês…
Mas o site é ótimo!

Vera Graña 17/10/2013

Hi Ana, good to see you again! well i usually turn off the lights when I’m leaving out my apartment, otherwise my energy montly invoice goes up. See you around and tks for your tips, really helps me. Hughs

Ricka 15/10/2013

On my way to work i usually stop by a cafeteria to have a great meal,and on my way home i go to the gym.despite the fact i live in the boondocks the commute isnt killing me so forth. I try to study english on my way out, listening to podcasts and you know the saying , time flies when youre having fun

Cicero Rodrigues 15/10/2013

Hi there,

When I’m on my way out, I always check if the windows are closed, mainly in rainy days.

Enjoy the day.

Ana Avelar 14/10/2013

When I am on may way out to my work I take my helmet and the key of my motorcycle.

Hey, Ana! Today is the first day that I’m leaving a comment here, but have almost a month that I’m listening and loving your podcast every day!

Thank you!

Jennifer 14/10/2013

When I’m on my way out, I used to check everything in my house, twice.I had to back from the middle of my way sometimes, just because I’m not sure if was everything turn off there.It happens because I did all the things rigth, but no paying enough attention in the process.I learned my lesson. Kisses!!

Débora 13/10/2013

When I am on my way out I always feed my girl with her bottle of milk, dress her and check if all the doors and windows are closed.

daniel 13/10/2013

When I am on my way out I always check if the lights of my house and if the gas of my stove is closed and if the doors and windows are closed.

    Ana 15/10/2013

    Smart thing to do, Daniel! Some people go back two or three times to make sure!

Marivan 11/10/2013

When i am ON MY WAY OUT i always chexk whether i am leaving something. So if i do not do that it ends happening hahahahaha… Hugs Ana :)

    Ana 15/10/2013

    That’s a nice thing to do – check for things you may have left behind!

Caroline Pinheiro Kotowiski 11/10/2013

When I’m on my way out I always caress my cat’s head.

    André Luis 11/10/2013

    so cute…I love cats. =)

    Ana 11/10/2013

    Sweet :)

Fátima Regina 10/10/2013

When I am on way out I usually check if the lights of my house are off and if the gas of my stove is closed.

    Ana 11/10/2013

    Excellent, Fátima!
    And you’re pretty smart to do all that on your way out.

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