Compreensão de texto: Ordering at a restaurant

By Ana | Compreensão de Texto

Jun 17
Inglês - Compreensão de texto Ordering at a restaurant

Hoje temos uma conversa entre a garçonete e o casal que quer fazer uma refeição no restaurante. Enjoy!

Aqui vai:

   (waitress) Hi. Can I take your order?
(man) Actually, we’re not ready yet. Can we see a menu, please?
(waitress) Sure! Here you go.
(man) Thank you.

(waitress) Are you ready to order now?
(man) Hmm, yes. I’ll have the grilled pork chops.
(waitress) Great choice – that’s today’s special, served with a side order of fresh spinach.
(man) Oh, no! I’m not really a fan of spinach.
(waitress) I could bring you mashed potatoes instead.
(man) Perfect! How about you, Lynn? Same?
(woman) Nope, no pork chops for me. I’ll go with a salad. Let’s see… What’s in the Luau Salad?
(waitress) Sliced chicken breast, green beans, mango, macadamia nuts and mixed greens.
(woman) Wonderful. Luau Salad it is!
(waitress) Would you like something to drink?
(woman) Yes, I’d like a coke.
(man) Nothing for me.

(waitress returns with the food) Here you go. Let me know if you need anything else.
(man and woman) Thank you.

(waitress) Would you like to see the dessert menu?
(man) No, thanks. Just the check, please.
(waitress) That’ll be $17.95.
(man gives $20 to the waitress) Here you go. Please keep the change.
(waitress) Thank you, and have a nice day.


actually = na verdade (não é “atualmente”!)
here you go = aqui está
pork chops = costela de porco
today’s special = o especial do dia
a side order = um acompanhamento (geralmente servido em um prato separado)
I’m not really a fan = não sou muito fã
something) instead = (alguma outra coisa) em vez de (o que tinha sido mencionado antes)
nope = não (bem informal)
sliced = fatiado
mixed greens = folhas verdes variadas (alface, rúcula, etc.)
anything else = mais alguma coisa
dessert = sobremesa
check = conta
the change = o troco (neste contexto)

Teste sua compreensão:

larissa 04/03/2010

tudo ok

Carmelita 23/06/2009

A very good text! I’d like it a lot.

Silvia Fagundes 23/06/2009

I did and I like it !

Henrique 18/06/2009

Long time no see these texts! smile

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