Inglês com Cartoons #38: Make a wish

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Jun 24

Hi everyone! Mais um cartoon para exercitar o inglês. Funciona assim: eu apresento uma imagem com apenas uma fala, faço algumas perguntas, dou um exemplo e vocês usam a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #38



 (a) Who’s at the party? Quem está na festa?

 (b) What gifts did James get? Que presentes o James ganhou?

 (c) What food is there? O que tem de comer?

 Minhas respostas

 (a) All of James’s thirty cousins. Todos os trinta primos do James.

 (b) He got clothes, five toy trucks and a computer. Ele ganhou roupas, cinco caminhões de brinquedo e um computador.

 (c) His family is vegetarian, so there are carrots, cucumbers and broccoli. A família dele é vegetariana, então tem cenoura, pepino e brócolis.


        Faça um pedido, James!

E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – You’re safe now – com todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser guardar. E parabéns a quem tem deixado respostas – as últimas foram great!


Laarissa Oliveira. 05/07/2009

a) Jame’s family
b) He got one bike , a computer and two bolls
c) There are a cake , sweets and cokes

Ana Luiza 02/07/2009

Great job people… We’ll have a new cartoon next week.

Victor 02/07/2009

Jame’s friends and your family
He got one boll and one playstation 3
There are cokies and sodas

distefano 01/07/2009

(a) Who’s at the party?
All of Jame’s family and friends.
  (b) What gifts did James get?
He got many games and toy cars.
(c) What food is there?
There is cookies, cakes, juices and sweets.

Juliane 29/06/2009

James, all the family and about thirty friends of the school.
James got toys from his friends(ball and principally trucks and games), a video game from his father, and cloths the rest of the family.
There are cake, pop corn, hot dog, soda and sweet.

Erika 28/06/2009

This cartoon is excellent to delovolp the skills.

Ana Luiza 27/06/2009

Thank you, Marcos and Jordano.

Thanks everybody for the answers!

Jordano Thomaz 27/06/2009

(a) James, his mother and his father. James don’t knew but the clown is his father.

(b) He got a trip for London. James loves the Big Bang.

(c) There are cake, coke, french fries and sweet. It’s a small party just for three peoples.

This idea of learn english with cartoon it’s amazing. Congratulations.

Débora Cristina Nestal 26/06/2009

(a) All his family.

(b) He got ten toy cars, clothes, a backpack, a toy sword.

(c) There are pop corn, sausage saundwiches, cake, sweets.

Marcos Jandosa 26/06/2009

this cartoons is very nice.

Sidney Brito 25/06/2009

a) All of James’s friends e his parents too.
b) He got a bike, shoes and clothes, and a trip to Disney.
c) There are candies, soda, cakes and pies.

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