Ideia para praticar inglês com notícias curtas e curiosas em vídeo

By rogerio | Lições de Inglês

Feb 24
Ideia para praticar inglês com notícias curtas e curiosas em vídeo

O post de hoje é do professor Rogerio.


Você já leu aqui, diversas vezes, que precisamos incluir o inglês em nosso dia-a-dia de alguma maneira.

Já que uma das coisas que a maioria das pessoas faz em seu cotidiano é ler/assistir notícias sobre os mais variados assuntos, que tal transformar essa prática costumeira em uma oportunidade para praticar inglês e ampliar o vocabulário?

Vou sugerir um roteiro de como isso pode ser feito, utilizando um vídeo que assisti na semana passada como exemplo:

1. O primeiro passo é a escolha do vídeo. Neste exemplo, o vídeo abaixo apareceu na tela inicial do meu Google News e me chamou a atenção pelo título curioso (o fato de ele ser curto fez com que eu o assistisse imediatamente).

2. Antes mesmo de assistir o vídeo, em um processo automático e inconsciente que acontece em razão de segundos, imaginei sobre o que seria: fiz algumas previsões sobre o tema e ao longo do vídeo elas foram sendo confirmadas (ou não).

O título do vídeo é: Girl With 12 Fingers, 14 Toes Aims for a Record

Que tipo de expectativa ele cria em você? Aqui seguem os meus exemplos de questionamentos que surgiram:

a) Em que país isso ocorreu?
b) Qual o motivo de tal deformidade?
c) Quantos casos existem no mundo?
d) Qual o recorde atual?

3. É hora de assistir o vídeo:



4. Agora eu já podia explicar, resumidamente, do que se tratava a notícia. Vamos completar o resumo abaixo (se necessário, assista mais uma vez):

Uma menina de ______________ (país ou idade) nasceu com _______ dedos nas mãos e _____ dedos nos pés. Os pais não parecem muito preocupados e até encontraram um aspecto positivo: a menina consegue ___________________. Eles desejam entrar para o Guinness, o livro dos recordes.
O médico entrevistado diz que pessoas nessas condições levam uma vida _________ mas que muitos pais não querem que seus filhos sejam vistos como ____________ e optam por uma ____________ por volta do primeiro ano de idade da criança.
O recorde atual registrado no Guinness são duas pessoas na Índia com ______ dedos nas mãos e _____ dedos nos pés.

5. Depois disso, assisti o vídeo novamente – pausando e voltando se necessário – com o objetivo de ampliar meu vocabulário. Para isso, registrei combinações de palavras e novos termos; ou ainda outros que por algum motivo chamaram minha atenção:

a) digitally enhanced / digits – ao ouvir a palavra digit no contexto da notícia lembrei-me que, além da tradução como “dígito” (número), digit também pode se referir, no contexto da anatomia, aos dedos da mão ou do pé. Já o adjetivo enhanced significa “melhorado, aperfeiçoado”.

b) claim a record – esta combinação me chamou a atenção: seria algo como reinvindicar um recorde. Outras combinações muito comuns para este sentido da palavra são:
break a record
beat a record
hold a record
set a record

c) polydactylism – um termo novo, muito técnico mas que fica fácil de reconhecer pelo contexto e pela estrutura da palavra (pela origem grega fica fácil de identificar no áudio ainda que seja difícil acertar a ortografia de primeira!).

d) keep somebody from doing something – aqui vale a pena focar na estrutura que é usada para dizer “impedir que alguém faça algo”, com especial atenção para a necessidade de usar o verbo com a forma -ing:
keep + alguém + from + doing algo.
– The rain kept me from going to her house = A chuva impediu que eu fosse à casa dela.
Outra forma de dizer isso é The rain prevented me from going to her house.

e) as much – é o mesmo que “na mesma quantidade, tanto assim” – I love her a lot. But she doesn’t love me as much.

f) from a social standpoint – uma expressão que eu já tinha ouvido por aí mas que ainda não fazia parte do meu vocabulário ativo: algo como “de um ponto de vista social, a partir de um olhar social”. Assim, procurei vários exemplos na internet e pretendo usar assim que possível em situações reais:

From a Curriculum Standpoint, Is Science Religion? (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

India extremely resilient from an economic standpoint (The Economic Times)

Outras combinações comuns: from a legal/economic/political etc… standpoint

Espero que você tenha gostado da atividade! Uma continuação para quem realmente quer entender cada palavra do texto, é elaborar a transcrição desse vídeo aqui nos comentários do post. A primeira frase é:

When sixteen-month-old Le Yati Min was born, she came into the world with a little something extra: 12 fingers and 14 toes.

Você consegue colocar a próxima frase do vídeo? É um ótimo exercício de listening e writing!

See ya

Alan 10/08/2011

Have you ever watched CNN Marcelo? Haha, you should try it.

marcelo 17/05/2011

Esse homem da reportagem fala muito rápido para acompanhar é muito dificil :(

Rogerio 07/03/2011

Well done, guys!

Here is my version:

When sixteen-month-old Le Yati Min was born, she came into the world with a little something extra: 12 fingers and 14 toes. Now her family think she may be the most digitally enhanced person in the world and they are hoping to claim a Guinness World record to prove it.
The condition is called polydatylism but it hasn’t kept the toddler from being happy.
Her mother says “we have not difficulties with her. She seems to have a stronger grip on things so she doesn’t drop things as much”.
A US doctor says people can function normally with extra digits but many parents choose to have them surgically removed… “from a social standpoint a lot of people, specially parents, ah, don’t want their children to look different, so at a young age, ah, usually any time after a year of age, er one, most parents’d bring their children to have it evaluated and then, and then, collectively choose to have the extra digit or digits removed”.
The Guinness World website says two people in India currently hold the record for the most fingers and toes with twelve fingers and thirteen toes each.
Brad Thomas, The Associated Press.

Livia Tucci 06/03/2011

When sixteen-month-old Le Yati Min was born, she came into the world with a little something extra: 12 fingers and 14 toes. Now her family think she maybe is the most digitally enhanced person in the world and they are hoping to claim a Guinness World record to prove it. The condition is called polydactylism but in thesis hasn’t kept the photograph from being happy.
The mother says “we have not difficulties with her. She seems to have a stronger grip on things so, she doen’t drop things as much”. A US doctor says people can function normally with extra digits but many parents choose to have their surgically removed… “from a social standpoint, a lot of people, specially parents, ah, don’t want their children to look different, so at a young age, ah, usually any time after a year of age, as one, most parents bring their children to have an evaluation and then, and then collectively chosen to have the extra digit or digits remolved”. The Guinness World website says two people in India currently hold the record for the most fingers and toes with twelve fingers and thirteen toes each. Brad Thomas, The Associated Press.

Rogerio 02/03/2011

Way to go, guys! I don’t have the transcript but I’ll work on your text and get back to you, ok!?
See ya…

Amado 28/02/2011

PS: my version of “the” transcription.

Amado 28/02/2011

Well, as far as I could understand each person should collaborate with the subsequent phase of the news. Therefore, I’d posted just the next phase after the first one, which was already posted… Anyway, here is my version of transcription:

When sixteen-month-old Le Yati Min was born, she came into the world with a little something extra: 12 fingers and 14 toes. Now her family think she maybe is the most digitally enhanced person in the world and they are hoping to claim a Guinness World record to prove it. The condition is called polydatylism but in thesis hasn’t kept the photograph from being happy.
The mother says “we have not difficulties with her. She seems to have a stronger group on things so, she doen’t drop things as much”. A US doctor says people can function normally with extra digits but many parents choose to have their surgically remolved… “from a social standpoint, a lot of people, specially parents, ah, don’t want their children to look different, so at a young age, ah, usually any time after a year of age, as one, most parents bright their children to have an evaluation and then, and then collectively chosen to have the extra digit or digits remolved”. The Guinness World website says two people in India currently hold the record for the most fingers and toes with twelve fingers and thirteen toes each. Brad Thomas, The Associated Press.

Luis Rocha SSA 28/02/2011

Hey guys,,,, Just one more thing…. When I wrote “taking a risk” I wanted to write “taking a Chance”. And it´s not “some one”, it´s “someone”. Sorry, I´ll never forget that again…

Luís Rocha SSA 28/02/2011

Hi, Cíntia.

I accepted the challenge too. But I have to admit, it wasn´t easy. I know you did the worst part, but some one had to start, hasn´t it?

So, hope it´s right. If not, at least I tried, like you. If I wrote something wrong,sorry. I´m just taking a risk cuz I don´t write as much as I read.

Rogério and Ana Luiza, thank you very much. And I´m curious too. I want the right transcription, if it possible, of course.

See ya!!!!!!

When sixteen-month-old Le Yati Min was born, she came into the world with a little something extra: 12 fingers and 14 toes. Now her family think she maybe is the most digitally “unhands” (I don´t know why but I heard that) person in the world and “they hoping” to claim a Guinness World record “to” prove “it”.

The Condition it’s called polydactylism, “but it hasn´t kept photograph from being happy”.

The mother says: “We have no dificult as whether” she seems to have a strong group on things, so she doesn’t drop things as much.

A US doctor says people can function normally with extra digits, but many parents chose to have surgically removed. From a social standpoint a lot of people especially parents don’t want their children to look different, so at a young age usually anytime after a year “of age” … most parents bring children to have evaluate that electevily chosen have “the” extra digits removed.

The Guinness World Record website says two people in “the” India currently hold for the record for the most fingers and toes with 12 fingers and 14 toes each.
Bryan Thomas C. associated ”?”.

Cíntia Delgado da Silva 27/02/2011

Man… It’s kinda challenge… but challenge accepted.
Here I go…
“When sixteen-month-old Le Yati Min was born, she came into the world with a little something extra: 12 fingers and 14 toes. Now her family think she maybe is the most digitally enhanced person in the world and they are hoping to claim a Guinness World record prove.
The Condition it’s called polydactylism, but doesn’t kept photographers from being happy.
The mother says: We have no difficults wheter she seems to have a strong (group on) things, so she doesn’t drop things as much.
The most of patients…
A US doctor says people can function normally with extra digits, but many parents chose to have surgically removed. From a social standpoint a lot of people especially parents don’t want their children to look different, so at a young age usually anytime after a year … most parents bring children to have evaluate that electevily chosen have extra digits removed.
The Guinness World Record website says two people in India currently hold for the record for the most fingers and toes with 12 fingers and 14 toes each.
Bryan Thomas C. associated price”
I’ve made a lot of mistake, but I want the right script cause now Im so curious…
I hope you can help me to find out!!!

Ana Luiza 26/02/2011

Hi Amado – I liked it that you gave it a shot! Awesome

Amado 26/02/2011

I gave it a shot and wrote down the whole news. Hopefully it’s correct wink) Here’s my contribuition to the second sentence:
“Now her family think she maybe is the most digitally enhanced person in the world and they are hoping to claim a Guinness World record prove.”

Leila Safadi 25/02/2011

I really enjoy this post. Besides the very interesting video, the points highlighted by Rogerio were well chosen. I liked the subject so much, that I did what Rogerio suggested, and tried to write down the whole test. I’d like to check it out, though. Is it possible to get the transcript?

Thank you Rogério and Ana Luiza.

Take care.

Katarina 25/02/2011

Humm… that’s an excellent idea to work with my students. Thank you!

Rogerio 25/02/2011

Hi Maria!
Thanks for the feedback. I know it can be very challenging but giving it a try is a great opportunity to improve your English.

Maria Simone 25/02/2011

Interesting! I go try… Try understand without legenda… I think, It’s very difficult…
Thank you for the tip…

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