Inglês com Cartoons #66: I can’t believe it

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Apr 15

Hi, everyone! No cartoon de hoje, como sempre, temos uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos

Inglês com Cartoons #66Perguntas

(a) Why is the woman surprised? Por que a mulher está surpresa?

(b) Who is this painting for?  Para quem é essa pintura?

(c) Who is the woman in the cartoon? Quem é a mulher no cartoon?

Minhas respostas

(a) Because until yesterday, Louis had always said he hated painting and he would never paint anything. Porque até ontem, o Louis sempre disse que ele odiava pintar e ele nunca pintaria nada.

(b) Louis is gonna give it to his neighbor, Mr. Parker, who loves art. Louis vai dá-la ao sr. Parker, seu vizinho, que ama arte.

(c) That’s Ella, one of his half-sisters. É Ella, uma de suas meia-irmãs.


                 E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?


E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – 3 for the price of 1 – com
todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser

Nall 02/05/2011

1 . She was surprised because He is a bad student.
2 . It is only a test.

She is an Arts teacher.

Fabiana 18/04/2011

a- She is suprised because she can not believe that your brother has capacity than paint a painting very beatiful.

b- Your brother made this picture for her, because she love art.

c- She is Kate, the Jonah´s sister more old.

Renata de França 18/04/2011

1)Why is the woman surprised?
Because that painting was everything that she looked for her entire life.

2)Who is this painting for?
For their father that is elderly.

3)Who is the woman in the cartoon?
She is his adoptive sister.

Josenildo Arruda 18/04/2011

Hi Ana!
Here’s gonna my answers.
1- Why is the woman surprised?
R- because she can’t imagine than his brother was married.

2- Who is this painting for?
This painting is for his teacher.

3- Who is the woman in the cartoon?
It’s my sister. she’s beautiful. Do you agree?

See we in the next time.

Iramaia 17/04/2011

1- Why is the woman surprised?
The painting was terrific, really impressive. Noteworthy.He did a really good job.

2- Who is this painting for? 
Actually the painting was for her.She didn’t know until she asked.

3- Who is the woman in the cartoon?
She’s his girlfriend.He wanted to surprise her and I guess he did. smile

Magda 16/04/2011

Hi again Ana!
well… here’s gonna my answers

1- She was surprised because he’ve never painted a paint in his life. It was his first paint. And it was so beautiful.
2- He’ve just told her that this frist paint will give for his gramother, because she was the only person who believe in his talent.
3- She is one of his neighbor. She is the most curious of all them,in truth she loves tal about someone else’s life.

eliete 16/04/2011

I really appreciate your website
especially the short stories in English, because they are short sentences, I would hear them and thus learn more.


She was surprised because she has been thought who painted this canvas was Basil Hallward.
This painting is for Dorian.
The woman watching the picture is Sybil, one of Dorian girlfriends.

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