Inglês com Cartoons #89: I’m starving!

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

May 09

Hi, everyone! No cartoon de hoje, como sempre, temos uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários.

Inglês com Cartoons #89Perguntas

(a) Why are they having a meal together? Por que eles vão fazer uma refeição juntos?

(b) What kind of food is that?  Que tipo de comida é essa?

(c) Who else is coming? Quem mais vem?

Minhas respostas

(a) Because they’ve got work to do this afternoon, and they don’t want to waste any time. So they’ll just grab something to eat and then they’ll get cracking right away. Porque eles tem trabalho pra fazer hoje a tarde, e eles não querem desperdiçar tempo. Então eles vão comer alguma coisa, e daí vão mandar ver no trabalho.

(b) It’s just what it looks like: a pizza. É o que parece: uma pizza.

(c) Two other team members are joining them for lunch. Mais dois membros da equipe vão se juntar a eles para almoçar.


E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas?

E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior – Sales have risen – com todas as respostas (editadas quando necessário) para quem quiser guardar.

plati 22/05/2013

A) Because they will play PlayStation late.

B) To look like a pizza.

C) Two classmates.

Ai ai.. qualqer dica pra melhorar, agradeço.

Nivea Silva 16/05/2013

Ok, my answers are:
a) Because they need to make a fast meal together to finish the work until today int the evening.
b) The lunch is a pizza, because is fast.
c) Nobody, just them.

Carol Oliveira 13/05/2013

(a) Why are they having a meal together?
Those guys are classmates from High School and have spent the whole afternoon working on a school essay. So now that they’re done, they ordered some food.

(b) What kind of food is that?
It looks like pizza, but it’s actually dishes made of vegan food they ordered from a restaurant nearby. They are all into healthy food!

(c) Who else is coming?
Nobody, since all the guys were already there working on the essay.

carla fontes 13/05/2013

a) they are having a meal together because they are friends and like to make funny programs together.
b) This food can be chips for a little party and in the other hand beer (in the bag) or coke.
c) They are waiting another friends to start the party

Débora 13/05/2013

a)They are having a meal together because they’re coworkers at work and they took some time off to work at their lunchtime.
b) It´s a pizza, of course.
c) They’re waiting for their girlfriends respectively.

Elly 11/05/2013 n poderia por o áudio também?
Obrigada. :)

olá gostei muito desse site, se vc poder pode enviar para o meu e-mail dica de inglês.

    Ana 09/05/2013

    Inscreva-se para receber as dicas ali na barra lateral!

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