Inglês com Cartoons #99: I had a wonderful time

By Ana | Inglês com Cartoons

Sep 17

Hello, everyone! Hoje temos mais um post da série Inglês com Cartoons, e no de hoje, como sempre, temos uma imagem com uma fala, perguntas e um exemplo. Você usa a imaginação para dar suas próprias respostas em inglês nos comentários

Inglês com Cartoons #99


(a) Why did Santa say he had a wonderful time? Por que o Papai Noel disse que ele se divertiu muito?

(b) Who’s the couple? Quem é o casal?

(c) Who are the presents for? Para quem são os presentes?

Minhas respostas

(a) Because he really enjoyed this Christmas party at the office. Porque ele gostou muito dessa festa de Natal no escritório.

(b) They’re Joe and Carla, and they’re actually not a couple. They’re the coworkers that organised the party and hired the other guy as Santa. Eles são o Joe e a Carla, e na verdade eles não são um casal. Eles são os colegas de trabalho que organizaram a festa e contrataram o outro homem para ser Papai Noel.

(c) Cada um está segurando o presente que ganhou no amigo secreto do escritório. Each one of them is holding the present they got at the office’s Secret Santa.


E você? Quais seriam as suas respostas? E aqui vai o PDF com o cartoon anterior (clique na imagem ao lado) – This is one of the CDs she gave me – com todas as respoPstas, editadas quando necessário, para quem quiser guardar.

Rafael 06/10/2014

a) Santa had a wonderful time because in Christmas he always enjoy to drink a litttle bit during his visits in each house to give gifts.
b) They’re a happy couple and did a long journey to meet for the first time Santa.
c) Santa and the couple are changing the gifts.Santa gave to the couples toy kids and the couple gave to Santa a wine bottle.

Valter 03/10/2014

1-Santa Claus had a wonderful time because his grandson was just born.
2-They are close friends Fred and Maria
3-They came across with the Santa Claus in the Shopping Mall and fortunately received the gifts as well.

Fatima Regina 24/09/2014

Hello Ann! Good morning!

This is my examples:
a) Because Santa Claus was with the children and he had fun giving gifts and enjoying with them.
b) They are children’s parents.
c) Now Santa Claus is giving some gifts to the children’s parents too. After all, it is Christmas’ time and everybody deserves to win gifts.
Thanks Ann!

Jonata fontela 21/09/2014

My examples:
1- Santa had a good time giving gifts all over the world.
2-they’re mike and Kathy,they’ve been married for several years.
3-the gifts are for the couple’s children :D

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