Qual é a sua “resolution” pro Ano Novo? (em inglês!)

By Ana | Lições de Inglês

Dec 31
Qual é a sua resolution pro Ano Novo em inglês

What are your 2013 resolutions?Dizer que vai “Fazer dieta” não vale. Pronto. Vamos assumir que essa já está na lista de todo mundo :) Essa é, sem dúvida, a mais popular aqui em terras brazucas.

Agora, sério: o tema “New Year resolutions” é, ao mesmo tempo, batido, e também é sempre presente. Todo ano tem gente tomando decisões sobre o que vai ser melhor, o que vai ser diferente no Ano Novo.

Ontem eu vi no Facebook uma amiga postar a distância que ela rodou de bicicleta em 2012 (foi bem longa), dizendo que vai continuar em 2013 e escrevendo ao lado #newyearresolution.

Pois é. O que você escreveria ao lado da hashtag #newyearresolution no Facebook ou no Twitter (ou, pra quem não usa nenhum desses e não sabe o que é hashtag… Qual seria a sua principal resolução de Ano Novo?).


Two weeks later: Resolution fails

Então, gente: “resolutions” é mesmo um assunto batido que todo fim de ano volta à tona (o que não quer dizer que seja um assunto ruim), especialmente em veículos na língua inglesa. Tanto é que se você procurar material de humor, por exemplo, envolvendo  resolutions vai encontrar um monte. Dá pra adivinhar a razão da tiração de sarro, né? É claro que é muito comum a gente falar que vai fazer uma coisa, e aquilo ficar só no blablabla.

Eu encontrei esse vídeo bacana que dá uma olhada justamente nisso. Agora, é sempre bom observar que tem muita gente que coloca sim as resoluções em prática. Se você é um desses, por favor tell us in the comments!

Assista o vídeo umas 2 vezes (e veja que resolutions é um assunto ótimo para exemplos de uso de going to para futuro).


Quais resoluções do pessoal lá no vídeo você conseguiu compreender? Eu listei abaixo 9 resolutions, mas não olhe ainda ;)

Assista o vídeo de novo, e só então… confira a lista abaixo. Quais você pegou?

“I’m gonna eat healthy” (0:13)

“I’m gonna drink less” (0:18)

“I’m gonna get a pet” (0:27)

“I’m gonna study more” (0:34)

“I’ll be more patient” (0:40)

“I’m gonna spend more time with my family” (0:52)

“We’re gonna learn how to bake” (1:03)

“I’m gonna learn to paint / I’m gonna read more” (1:29)

“I’m gonna learn Chinese” (1:16)

Agora, responda isso: para cada uma das resolutions… o que foi que deu errado, ou não saiu de acordo com o plano? Deixe seu comentário em português mesmo, ou em inglês se quiser.

Por exemplo, para “I’m gonna eat healthy” (0:13), o rapaz olhou uma caixa de flaxseed (semente de linhaça) e desanimou rapidinho. He kinda tried to give flaxseed a go… but that didn’t go anywhere. (Ele meio que tentou experimentar linhaça… mas não deu em nada)

Aguardo os comentários de vocês sobre o que deu errado na hora de manter as “resolutions”, e também…

What are your resolutions? Can you relate to any resolutions mentioned in the video? Can you relate to the ways people CAN’T keep their resolutions in the video?

Mais dicas com resolutions:

André 28/01/2013

Well, it was great! I understood many things in this video, everything I’d say, except this part (I’m gonna learn to paint and read more) But after 4 or 5 times I got it.
ANSWER: My new resolution is: keep on the same resolution that I did last year: Example: work out; to study English with more listening; to go to more theaters; to play my guitar and about to eat heathy, well, it’s easy for me, I’m vegetarian.

“I’m gonna eat healthy” (0:13) – it didn’t work – the guy asked 5 cheeseburger
“I’m gonna drink less” (0:18) – it didn’t work – the girl still drank a lot
“I’m gonna get a pet” (0:27) – it didn’t work –
“I’m gonna study more” (0:34) – it didn’t work – the girl loves watch fool site on the internet
“I’ll be more patient” (0:40) – it didn’t work – the guy lost his patient with his friend
“I’m gonna spend more time with my family” (0:52) – it didn’t work – after that question of her mother, the girl got out
“We’re gonna learn how to bake” (1:03) – It didn’t work – the couple was terrible, but they tryed. Point for them
“I’m gonna learn to paint / I’m gonna read more” (1:29) – it didn’t work – not exactually
“I’m gonna learn Chinese” (1:16) – it didn’t work – it didn’t work – not very well, but the guy is trying

Giselle Souza 24/01/2013

Olá Ana eu consegui entender tudo, mas tenho dificuldade para falar e escrever.Se eu estivesse na sala de aula com o professor e ele pedisse para eu explicar eu travaria, mesmo tendo entendido o assunto. This’s horrible for me.HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ana 25/01/2013

    Oi Giselle,
    Então… a maioria das pessoas está na mesma situação q vc, eu diria :)
    O que te falta (eu assumo, pois não sei da tua situação em detalhes) é prática rotineira de Listening.
    Vc pode acessar minha orientação passo-a-passo clicando no link na barra lateral “Como Falar Inglês”. Recomendo também ouvir meu podcast no English Experts (busque “Ana Luiza” q vc encontra- chama “Como vc aprendeu inglês, Ana Luiza?”) pra vc ver que eu coloquei em prática aquilo que recomendo aos outros.

Fabio 21/01/2013

Olá Ana,
parabéns pelo blog!!
Na verdade parabéns pelo seu excelente trabalho. Acompanho há muito tempo, mas é a primeira vez que eu escrevo aqui.
Agora vamos falar, qual a possibilidade de você lançar um app para o iPhone?
Ouço muito os podcasts, mas receber estas atualizações do blog no appzinho simples, porém formatado para o iPhone seria ainda melhor, e fácil de consultar a todo o momento.

Justíssimo que fosse pago.

Thanks a lot.

Débora 13/01/2013

My resolution for this new year is to be happy with my family. :)

Newton Yoshihiro 09/01/2013

I will study seriously more , and as Carlos said from Internet , avoid waste time with internet .

Of course there are more things that will have around year , and will change the resolution. But I will try.

I think that if have many many resolutions , they confuse the objectives . As beginning , few resolutions and step by step , trying to do it.

Sorry Teatcher. Sinto-me desconsertado ante a habilidade de muitos alunos , e acho que há muitos erros . Mas vou me esforçar .


    Ana 10/01/2013

    OI Newton – não há do que se desculpar, please!… Há leitores de todos os níveis, e às vezes quem comenta são os que tem mais tempo de inglês. Vc leu a série Como FAlar Inglês daqui do site? Escolha um bom audio e bota seu player de mp3 pra trabalhar. Now that’s a good resolution :)

Sálvian Cotrim 07/01/2013

The first guy wanted eat healthier, however when he read a flaxseed box he didn’t like it so after he ordered five cheeseburguers later.
The second was a girl who wanted drink less in the next year, however when she was in a bar, a men offer drink and she accepted and after that she drunk a lot.
The third guy wanted get a pet, but his dog and his fish died too soon.
The girl wanted study more, but she preferred surfing on internet.
The man wanted to be more patient, however his friend drove him crazy.
I used to make resolution in the past years, but this year I decide don’t do this because I don’t want create expectations about my future. Of course I have dreams and goal but I don’t want decide if I have to realize them this year.

    Ana 10/01/2013

    Very nice, Sálvian. I have to say, I can relate to many of these people :)

    I’m like you… no resolutions for me.

I totally agree with Carlos. What’s wrong about resolutions is that most of the times we don’t set objective aims. We need to set things that we can fulfill, and more important, things that we can “measure” to make sure we had achieved them. Instead of “improve my English”, for this year my goal is to be able to watch a sitcom episode with no subs, and for getting it, I must keep listening as most as I can, and taking notes of new words to increase my vocabulary. That’s been working for me so far.

Anyway, I don’t have a thing against resolutions. I think having tasks, goals and dreams to reach is what keeps us going. By the way, last year I established a couple of resolutions and, incredibly, I did most of them. Seriously!

This year, besides improving my English, I wanna keep exercising (I always exercise on vacation but when school classes get back I stop and get lazy hahaha) and mainly get into USP! Seriously, I’m studying hard to apply for Journalism at USP and I’ll take the vestibular by the end of this year. Wish me good luck :)

A great 2013 for everyone! And thanks Ana for all the tips you shared with us thorought the last year. You have already your place at the heaven hahahahaha <3

    Ana 10/01/2013

    Sounds great, Carolina.

    I think many times people set big goals and fail to achieve them because they’re… just too big!!

    And, you’re welcome :)

Walter Alves 01/01/2013

I can’t understand very well, but I think that think about bake wasn’t well.
I have many resolutions for this new year. My main resolution is study so much because I have to do a important exame. This is the more important thing to this year.

    Ana 10/01/2013

    Happy studying, Walter!

rosimeire 01/01/2013

Well, I always have many resolutions about New Year’s. The problem is that I have some objections with some resolutions, like, working out. I hate working out. Every time I try it, I regret to have promised it….. When it is about my work, it’s ok, I always carry it out. Now, I ‘ve just decided that I won’t promise things that I cannot perform. Just it! I guess it will be easier….

    Ana 10/01/2013

    I do too, Rosi (hate working out). What I do is, I go for long walks almost every day.

Plácido 01/01/2013

One of the my resolutions is to continue learning English with Ana Luiza. Thanks for your excellent work. Have a wonderful year.

    Bia Rigorfi 08/01/2013

    Yes! In this year, I will study English with the help of this site and perform many other projects! Good luck to us!

Carlos 31/12/2012

The girl who wanted to study more…just kept wasting her time with memes and other useless stuff on the Internet.

The guy who said He’d read more got disapointed by the size and quantitiy of the books. Instead, He chose to watch the movies.

The couple who wanted to learn how to bake…aparently they did not learn. LOL.

The boy who wanted a pet…just kinda sucked at being a pet owner.

And about my own resolutions? Well, I don’t like to make new years resolutions. I think they’re all destined to fail. And I think there’s several reasons for that, but the main reason is that these resolutions are kind of vague and imprecise.

I mean, “I will eath healthier”. Fine. What does that exactly mean? I will give up on eating at McDonalds once a week? Vague goals are harder to achieve, and it’s hard for you to realize wheter you’ve acomplished them or not. Instead, I think we should focus on smaller and more objective goals, if possible with some deadlines, like: “I’ll call a nutritionist next week and schedulle a meeting”, instead of “I will eath healthier”.

Ok, I’m gonna make one resolution: This year, I’ll improve my english, by listening to Ingles Online Podcast, and reading other tips like this one.

Thanks for everything, Ana Luiza. Happy New Year! :D

    Ana 10/01/2013

    Great answers, Carlos.

    I didn’t make resolutions either. I never do. Sometimes I make a decision in February or in July, etc…

    You’re welcome! Happy New Year to you.

Célio Augusto 31/12/2012

Não consigo entender o que o rapaz fala para o cara que esta tentando pegar a moeda (1:27)

    Carlos 31/12/2012

    Eu acho que ele fala “Pick up the dime!”, mas não tenho certeza não.

      Ana 01/01/2013

      Carlos is right!

      André 28/01/2013

      Sim, é uma moeda de dez centavos, que lá eles chamam de one dime. É uma das menores moedas que eles tem.

    Fabiana 01/01/2013

    também não

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