Podcast: What’s your pet peeve?

By Ana | Podcast Inglês Online

Mar 20
Inglês - Podcast What’s your pet peeve

How’s it going? Nesse episódio do podcast Inglês Online falamos sobre coisinhas que nos irritam.


Hello, all. Today we have a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

So today let’s talk about pet peeves. What is a pet peeve? Well, a peeve is something that irritates you, that annoys you, that maybe aggravates you. What about a pet peeve, though? A pet peeve is like… your favorite peeve. It’s that thing that frequently annoys you or that annoys you the most. You know, some things kinda irritate you once in a while, depending on your mood… But your pet peeve: every time that one happens in front of you, you get irritated. It really annoys you, every time, without fail.

So do you have a pet peeve? Let’s take a look at a few things people said online. Here’s what one girl tweeted: “My biggest pet peeve is when people don’t answer their phone”. Well, I have to say… sometimes, that’s me. I don’t always answer my cell phone. And that happens because I often go out without my cell phone. Yep, sometimes I leave it home… the horror! I’ve had friends get mad at me for not answering the phone. Too bad. So, is that a pet peeve of yours? Are you annoyed when someone doesn’t answer their phone?

Here’s what someone else said: “My biggest pet peeve? Judgemental people“. If you’ve been listening to our podcasts for a while then you’re familiar with the word judgemental. Or maybe you’re familiar with it because you listen to English on a regular basis and the word judgemental is such a common word. Judgemental people criticize a lot, they judge other people a lot and that honestly can be really annoying. So this guy said that judgemental people are his pet peeve.

And here’s an interesting one… This guy said “My biggest pet peeve is when I’m watching a movie with someone and they’re asking me what’s going on. We’re watching the same thing”. Does that sound familiar? You and a friend, or girlfriend, or boyfriend are watching a movie together and the other person keeps asking “Why did he do that?” or “Wait… where are they?” or “Who’s that? I don’t remember him”. You know, people get distracted and maybe they think some parts of the movie are boring… so they end up missing an important dialogue or scene and when they go back to paying attention – they’re lost. I totally understand how that can be annoying to people who are super focused on the story though. So is that a pet peeve of yours?

Me… A pet peeve of mine is people who talk in the movie theater. I find that a little annoying. What else…? People who take up the entire space of the aisle in the supermarket – you know? They kinda block other people’s way with the shopping cart and it’s like they don’t even realize there are other people shopping… That’s a pet peeve of mine.

It’s your turn now. What is your pet peeve? Come on, tell us in the comments and talk to you next time!


Key Expressions

  • Pet peeve



depending on your mood = dependendo do seu humor

without fail = sem falta (no sentido de algo que sempre acontece)


Actually a big problem this another topic talking about the problem on Monday
My Biggest Online Pet Peeve

Cleber 20/05/2013

Hello Ana! I liked a lot to listened this podcast! very good!!
I have one pet peeve that make me annoy, when I listen and watch about our policy way… the corruption for example..
But the most pet peeve of mine is my wife!! when she look me and say “yes” but in actually she want to say “no”!!
Nothing can be worse!

Francisco Vichi 27/03/2013

Hi Ana, I like listen yours podcast when I walking..

Well, my pet peeve is when somebody use the facebook to incite other person and write a lot of silliness, I prefer use facebook for learn, teach and motive other person.

Layla 26/03/2013

Hi! Loved this podcast, I was really looking for a good explanation for “pet peeve”, so thank you again Ana Luiza!

My pet peeve is to be underestimated, e.g., I hate when someone say that I won’t be able to be fluent in English just studying by myself the Internet.

Sálvian 26/03/2013

Hi Ana,

It’s a very interesting podcast.
The pet peeve of mine is people that whistle all the time. It’s annoy me very much.


Vera Graña 25/03/2013

Well, there are a lot of pet peeves of me, one of them is when someone judge other by the cover, or talking bad on my back or when there is a man on cheesey pickup lines…

Lilian 25/03/2013

Dogs incessant barking, probably one of my biggest peeves, especially those shrill little yappers. The most annoying & infuriating noise known to my ears. Just the thought of it… argh!

Raymundo de Jesus 23/03/2013

I have two pet peeves that annoy me a lot: one of them is when I ask someone a question
and another one answers. The other one is because of my surname JESUS.
My friends call me Jesus, but lately, no one knows why I am called Jesus and
asks me if it’s really my true name. Then, I decided to say that my name is RAYMUNDO.
JESUS, never again.


Adrian Dias 23/03/2013

I like the way you repeat the expressions a lot through the text, good and natural way to fix it. My pet peeve is when someone try to change the subject (desconversar, não sei se tem uma expressão em inglês pra isso) ;)

Ueverson 23/03/2013

A pet peev of mine is when I see Fausto Silva on tv.
Terrible!!The Sunday is over!!

Ricklustosa 22/03/2013

Nice and easy podcast to undertand!

A pet peeve of mine is the same of yours on theater, people talking or using their smartphone, the light annoys me a lot.

Thanks for the good work with the podcast,

jennifer 22/03/2013

Hi,Ana!My pet peeve is when ,early in the morning,someone starts to complain at my ear.Ana,I knew the expression “my pet hate”.The both expression has the same meaning,isn’t it?Or not? Kisses!!!!

Débora 22/03/2013

My pet peeve is when someone calls me all the time at home for sale something. That irritates me a lot. :)

    Ana 22/03/2013

    Hi Débora
    Mine is when people approach you on the street and they want you to just stop and listen to their sales pitch!

      Débora 22/03/2013

      Oh, I agree with you. :) That’s terrible.

Diogo Higino 21/03/2013

Hi Ana, a pet peeve for me is when someone met an hour in some appointment and gets delayed. That act annoys me a lot. It sounds normal for some people, but for me show up a person that don’t matter to you.

Thank you for posting interesting and intelligent podcasts.

    Ana 22/03/2013

    HI Diogo,
    Oh, oh. People being late is a pet peeve of yours? Good luck living in Brazil!! :)

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